The ISBN Number
An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique 13-digit number, which ensures that your book can be identified throughout the world. The allocation of an ISBN in Australia is managed by Thorpe Bibliographic Services. We can obtain an ISBN number on your behalf.

The Bar Code
A barcode is something you will need to consider when designing your cover. A barcode containing the ISBN can be used to easily identify, organise, and sell books. Success Print is able to add a barcode to your book to make it more appealing to retailers and libraries.

All Barcodes Must Be
- On the outside back cover.
- In the lower right-hand corner.
- At least 5mm from the spine and base of the book.
- Printed in a colour that is able to be read by a barcode scanner.
Legal Deposit
You should provide a copy of your book to the National Library of Australia and the relevant state library. An information brochure listing requirements and contact details can be obtained by contacting:
Catalogueing in Publication
The provision of Cataloguing-in-Publication (CiP) data to Australian publishers is a free service provided by the CiP Unit within the National Library of Australia. You can get in touch via the details shown below:
Find Out More
It involves the preparation of a cataloguing entry for a book before the book is published. This CiP entry, which is derived from information supplied to the CiP Unit by publishers, appears in the printed book. CiP entries are listed on the Kinetica database, which is used extensively by libraries throughout Australia. We can supply the application form, or it can be obtained via the details shown nearby.
Copyright Information
Under the 1968 Copyright Act, copyright protection immediately exists for authors of the work. The © symbol acknowledges you are claiming this as your work. You can receive more information on copyright from: